Spice Plants - Grow Quality, Eat Quality

Indian spices with unique aromas still dominate the global market and their exceptional importance in food and nature cycle is non-countable. One of the major goals of Maivanarai Agro Farm is to conserve biodiversity as well as generate various sources of income. Many useful plants like ova, asafoetida, cinnamon, mustard, nutmeg, turmeric will be taken care of in the cultivation of these spice plants on your especially reserved Agricultural Plot for Spice Farming.

Spice Farming - The Best Alternative to Mixed Farming

For many years, India has been at the forefront of spice production due to favorable environment for spice cultivation, the large merchant class that buys spice products, and the support of various government schemes that encourage farmers to cultivate spice crops.
The southern part of India and many parts of Maharashtra are the major producers of spices.
The soil nutrients and the geographical environment suitable for spice cultivation make the spices production of superior quality.
In Maivanarai we will mainly cultivate spice crops like black pepper, cardamom, nutmeg, cinnamon, stone flower, coriander etc. Mainly spice crops are cultivated in combination with coconut orchards.
The perennial demand for spices all over India and in the international market assures you of an additional and regular income.

Measures for Spice Crop Care by Maivanarai

Our main objective is to conserve nature and biodiversity and therefore we have adopted the following methods to grow quality spice crops

Under newly planted spice crops, weeds start gaining strength immediately, therefore cutting of those weeding on regular basis.
Excessive heat can burn spice crops, so cover them with shade.
If new seedlings are not supported, they can grow anyway, so support them with sticks or banana poles.
Water supply through drip irrigation for proper growth of seedlings.
Measures to prevent soil erosion by covering the crop stumps.
Spray organic mixture regularly to prevent any pests or diseases from infecting the spice crops.