Hello Nature Lovers – Welcome to Maivanarai Agro Farm,

Are you interested in best farmhouse projects near pune? ‘Ready farm house for sale near pune’ is what you are looking since long? You are landed to perfect page…We are the ones who will satisfy all your needs. But before introducing ourselves, we would like to tell you some interesting facts..

How many new birds did you see around your house in the current situation? Just forget about new ones, have you seen common birds like sparrow, parrot around your house for many days? How many great trees of Indian species like Wad, Pimpal etc. have you seen around you? Answer to such very simple and straightforward nature-related questions will be shocking and worrying. But who’s responsible for this – WE and who’s goanna change this – WE. In the name of globalization, we have forgotten the natural law of 'give a little and take a little' and have moved towards the attitude of 'get everything without giving anything'. But there are also many of us who want to change this picture. We are also part of that ‘change’ group and our focus is on the growth and conservation of nature. We have brought our concepts of nature to life through many of the projects we have already completed and to support those activities we have formed separate ‘Organic Farming Organization’. Let's create a prosperous nature for our next generation from today. Instead of directionless guidance, we help you to build your dream ‘Farm House Plot with Organic Farming’ / ‘Farm House Plot with Dairy Farming’ using our expertise in the farming and nature conservation domain..

Our Objective

"Conservation of nature is no longer just a matter of time, it is our moral responsibility to preserve nature for generations to come, and our main goal is to continue to serve nature in every way we can."

Our Goal

"Our main goal is to nurture and maintain nature as an endeavor of nature conservation. To this end, we want to cultivate as much land as possible, plant fruit trees on it, grow trees, set-up livable farm houses in close proximity to nature and create a source of income from the agricultural activities."

Our Unique Concept of Farm House

Farm house should not be just a leisurely place, but there should be a true nature companionship with a sincere focus on nature conservation. Our farm house is definitely not a place to come sometime in the month just to chill-out and harm the nature and gossip 'who will save nature' when you return to your urban life. It will be an idol project showing love for nature now and for many generations to come.

What you will experience in our farm houses

Coconut trees standing tall as a welcome arch

Symbol of Mangalya - Tulsi Vrindavan will be in the courtyard

Full grown green creeper covering your door pillars

The whole house will be perfect with natural furnishings

The bungalow will be surrounded by protective bamboo walls

Backyard will be decorated by organic farming

Many ayurvedic plants to purify the air

Lush green and yellow aamrai that pleases the mind

The chirping of birds, dairy farm and goat farm

Perfect Farmyard full of Organic Vegetable and Fruits

And nature that is a constantly companying for a happy life.

“It will not be only dream; it will surely be reality @ Maivanarai Agro Farm…”